Smart Grids, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering, MSc, Tampere University


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MScFull-time2 years find out find outEUR 12000 per year

About Smart Grids, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering, MSc - at Tampere University

Electrification of energy system and whole society is the most important tool for mitigating the climate change. Increasing penetration of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, electric vehicles and heat pumps is needed to reduce fossil carbon emissions and to reduce total energy usage. Huge investments and development are ongoing on these areas at the moment globally.

Smart grids are designed to enhance the effectiveness, stability and reliability of the electricity systems and to integrate distributed energy resources into system management. They are essential for increasing the share of renewable energy sources without compromising competitiveness and system security.

The specialization in Smart Grids develops systems thinking skills and provides students with a comprehensive range of technical design and analysis skills in electrical power engineering. Suitable backgrounds include Bachelor of Science (Technology) degrees in electrical power engineering, power electronics, electricity markets, energy management, renewable energy sources or similar.

Learn more about Smart Grids, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering, MSc - at Tampere University

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Fees, Funding and Scholarships at Tampere University

Tampere University seeks to recognise its most merited, high-achieving and motivated students. Tampere University Scholarships Programme is available for application for students who are required to pay tuition fees in bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes offered in English. We offer a limited number of partial scholarships as well as an early bird discount to support fee-paying students. 

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