“The school has contributed enormously to my creative growth. Nothing is better than being able to spend three years on your craft and nothing but that.”
– Rowan Edwards aka Gozi, pop artist and EMP alumnus
“The best three years of my life. This place is magic! Tutors are always there to help – the school is full of inspiring and supportive people. It helps you to understand who you are as an artist or sound engineer, teaches you how to be systematic, how to work with other artists and how to become a professional.”
– Anita Wenglorz, music producer and CAP alumnus
“Most importantly, it is what you do with the resources that are given to you that makes each study experience unique. This is a space where you have a certain autonomy and can explore your creative desires. You're in charge!”
– Pablo Diserens aka 艑tone, music producer and Creative Production (Music) MA alum